About ASL

ASL is an intensely driven, high-energy training program housed inside one of the most famous studios in the world; Quad Recording Studios. The ASL program was put together with one goal in mind: to better prepare individuals for the audio field. No doubt the quality of audio engineers has been declining over the years. unfortunately,  audio institutes and schools lack the necessary tools to turn this trend around. 30 years of experience has proven to us that there is no substitute for a real-world educational experience. This is the driving force behind ASL. The program has been developed through the partnership of Fast Forward Learning and Quad Recording Studios. Fast Forward is a Texas-based educational program that has helped many students achieve their goals in the audio field while Quad has been making hit records for more than 30 years on one of the biggest stages in the world. Together, both companies formed ASL to bring you the latest approach to studio audio learning. There is no doubt that the education obtained at ASL will surpass similar programs.